Our Passion

“At some stage of our lives, each of us realises that we’d like to make a difference to our world. Lewis Counsel enables Leanne and I to make our difference... By providing skills to grassroots Aid Organisations so that they can grow to create change in their own communities.

We meet Aid Organisations whose Councils or Boards are so bogged down in the administration of the organization that they have almost given up hope of achieving any change at the grassroots level. 

We also meet Australians who want to make a difference themselves overseas but are hampered by inefficiencies in Aid Agency Boards. Our passion is demystifying the ways to run an effective Organisation and help them achieve their goals.

At our training workshops, we see the brightest, most passionate international aid leaders (Board members and CEO’s) who are determined to lift their Aid Agencies and their communities out of poverty. They want to bring change, to improve health, education and training.

By empowering them and their organisations, we are training them to empower others, then others, and then others after them. We only plant the seeds of possibility. We may never see the end results of their aid projects or organisations but we do see the hope in their eyes after they have had the opportunity to learn the basics of governance.

And we develop relationships which last a lifetime.”

- Jame and Leanne Lewis

   Lewis Counsel